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Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Secret is in the Silence

The Secret is in the Silence So if you can feel in my words the sound of silence, my purpose is fulfilled. Because my words are not being used in the same way they have been used by everybody. I am using words just as instruments of music. I am not a musician, but I can create the same situation with words and the silences in between.

THOSE WHO CLING TO MY WORDS, MISS ME. Because they start interpreting. They start finding contradictions, they start an agreement or disagreement, but certainly a process of judgment starts in their being. That was not my purpose. My purpose was to start a silence, a music, a fragrance in you.

You have to change the gestalt. From words - which is the ordinary way humanity has used words forever, and nobody has insisted on changing the gestalt - LISTEN TO THE SILENCES. READ BETWEEN THE LINES and you will find a tremendous explosion of silence, music, celebration. And flowers go on growing in your being.

Anand Premartha, your question is, "The other night you were like a master musician, playing a beautiful melody on the strings of my heart." I am doing that every morning, every evening - for thirty-five years. But the other night was special for you. I am a very stubborn person; I will go on hitting on your head till you get the point. Last night you got it - now don't lose it. Because these are such subtle experiences, you can get them and you can lose them. ONCE YOU HAVE GOT ANY INSIGHT, REMEMBER NOT TO LOSE IT.

Yes, whatever I am doing is closer to music than anything. It is not philosophy, it is not religion, it is not theology. WHAT I AM SAYING IS NOT IN MY STATEMENTS BUT JUST IN THOSE SMALL SPACES WHICH REMAIN UTTERLY SILENT, EMPTY. But they are neither empty nor silent.

Once you have stumbled on those small pieces of silence and emptiness, you will be surprised that the silence is not silence; it is full of music, it is alive, it is a dance. And the emptiness is not emptiness; it is the only fullness that exists in the universe.

So there are two ways of listening: one is jumping from one word to another word and another is jumping from one silence to another silence. Those who are following the second way will be immensely rewarded by existence with great blissfulness, with tremendous ecstasy and with an immortality, an eternity. The treasures are incalculable. But if you are listening only to the words, you will end up at the most in a certain system of thought. This makes me sad, because I AM NOT HERE TO CREATE SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT. Millions of people have done that and distracted people from their inwardness.

All thought systems exist in the mind, and all silences exist beyond the mind. My simple message to you is to transcend the mind, transcend the word.

Om Mani Padme Hum

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