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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Consequence of Yoga growth in United States

Few Weeks ago indian PM Modi has said in United Nations General Assembly that "we should declare a day in year as World Yoga Day". Although Yoga has become very popular in West in india still most people dont have much knowledge of Yoga as poor indians cant spend much money on learning yoga as most courses even from Swami Ramdev charges money. Good news is that slowly slowly time is coming when yoga can be learned in school, colleges itself freely. Good thing is that Yoga is the one of the only things which can unite whole world and unite all cultures, religion, society. nations under one roof as it helps is physical, mental and spiritual health and well being.
"some stats from US:-
1. In 2009, the National Sporting Goods Association reported that among activities in which more than 10 million(1 crore) people participated, Yoga was the fastest growing of them all, its rise measured at a rate of 21% annually. This compared to 3% for aerobic exercise, 2% for weight lifting, and 1% for jogging.
2. Spending on Yoga products has increased by 87% in the past five years, according to the Yoga Business Academy.
3. Approximately one in sixteen Americans currently practices Yoga.
“If the rate of growth continues,” said Mathew Schaser of Equity Engineering, “every American will be practicing Yoga by the year 2032.”
4. in Recent years So many of US universities like University of Minnesota, Stanford University, Harvard University and others has done research and found that yoga helps in preventing and curing many diseases like Heart Diseases, Back and Joint problems, arthritis, obesity, depression etc. Remember US spends 20% of its GDP on healthcare or it will save lots of money for govt. and people.
Whatever happens in US lots of impact all over the world. Atleast with this reverse knowledge transfer or publicity may be many indian and people in other countries will also start practising Yoga due to is health benefits. and not to forget the long term effect will be less violence and crime all over the world as Yoga not only changes habits but also thoughts and actions of people. In the end more love in the world.
Some of these news facts are taken from here:-…/09/01/day-of-reckoning-par…/