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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shiva the destroyer presides over Big Bang mock-up

CERN experiment – Glimpse of Shiva’s dance?

In all his images, Lord Shiva is depicted in a human form. His body his naked and covered with ashes.  The naked body indicates that He is free from attachments to the material things of the world.  Since most things get reduced to ashes when burned, ashes symbolize the essence of all things and beings in the world.  The ashes on the body of the Lord signify that. He is the source of the entire creation which emanates from Him.

Sample ImageActive Image

Photo Credit: Giovanni Chierico
Shiva's cosmic dance at CERN in Geneva
 Lord Shiva is depicted as having three eyes.  The two eyes on the right and left indicate His activity in the physical world.  The third eye in the centre of the forehead symbolizes knowledge (Gnana), and is thus called the eye of wisdom or knowledge. The powerful gaze of Lord Shiva’s third eye annihilates evil, and is the reason that evil-doers fear His is third eye.

September 10, 2008, HT

The symbolism is strong. As scientists at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva smash subatomic particles in the world’s largest experiment, Shiva, the destroyer, will be in close proximity. 
On Wednesday, a powerful particle accelerator will use massive energy surges to simulate the universe’s creation with the Big Bang. And it would not have been possible without India, says Dr Amit Roy, director, Nuclear Science Centre, Delhi. “We’ve made precision-made jacks on which the 27-km machine is resting.”
Over 100 Indian scientists from institutes like the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and the Bhabha Atomic Energy Centre are involved in the Large Hardron Collider (LHC) project.
The Department of Atomic Energy gifted a two-metre bronze statue of the Nataraja to CERN on June 18, 2004 to celebrate the centre’s India connection.
 {The statue of Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer, Dr. Aymar, DG of CERN, Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Government of India.}
Indian Atomic Energy Commission boss Anil Kakodkar had then said: “The Indian scientific community is part of the quest for understanding the universe.”
{Related News:- } 

Author Fritjof Capra first drew a parallel between Shiva’s dance of creation and destruction and the dance of subatomic particles in The Tao of Physics.
A plaque next to the statue quotes Capra: “Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter. For modern physicists... Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter.”
More about Shiva Cosmic Dance :-
In choosing the image of Shiva Nataraja, the Indian Government has acknowledged the profound significance of the metaphor of Shiva’s dance for the cosmic dance of subatomic particles, which is observed and analyzed by CERN’s physicists. The parallel between Shiva’s dance and the dance of subatomic particles was first discussed by Fritjof Capra in 1972 in an article titled ‘The Dance of Shiva: The Hindu View of Matter in the Light of Modern Physics Shiva’s cosmic dance then became a central metaphor in Capra’s international bestseller The Tao of Physics, first published in 1975 and still in print in over 40 editions around the world.
‘The Wave Structure of Matter Explains the Atomic Structure of Matter. The ‘Particle’ as the Wave-Center of a Spherical Standing Wave in Space explains the cosmic dance of Nataraja’

A special plaque next to the Shiva statue at CERN in Geneva explains the significance of the metaphor of Shiva’s cosmic dance with several quotations from The Tao of Physics. Here is a quotation from Fritjof Capra that has been put in that special plaque ‘Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter and for the modern physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter. Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created different forms of visual images of dancing Shiva in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern physics.’

Read the complete article on  Shiva:-
Related Articles Posted Earlier:-
Source and Related News:-

Monday, September 8, 2008

Russians claim to have built McFadden-style EM field consciousness hardware

Another Step Towards Artificial Intelligence
Another Step Towards Artificial Intelligence
Typical structure of neuron
Fellows of experimental physics department of Ural University of Physics and technology have developed necessary hardware components for “electromagnetic consciousness” according CEMI (consciousness electromagnetic information field) theory of Johnjoe McFadden.
      Russian think tank created a model of neural network on neurons (EM (electromagnetic) neurons) with additional channels for information exchange via electromagnetic field and patented it (patent No. 2309457 “Neural field model”).
      Channels for interaction via electromagnetic field are implemented in an original construction of neural axon, looking like a chain of in-series radio-frequency pulse self oscillators with self-quenching circuits and radio-pulse envelope separators. The concept of EM neurons is almost the same like McFadden’s CEMI theory, but with following exception: mechanism of information exchange process between neurons via EM field is different.
      EM neurons have much in common with its biological prototype and correspond with usual processes of neurophysiology.
      However, the issue of spontaneous generation of consciousness in networks with this type of architecture remains open.


Conscious Mind is the Brain's Electromagnetic Field : Theory Says

Our minds are radios

Brainwaves: em field connects the neurones
Brainwaves: em field
connects the neurones
CONSCIOUSNESS, we might all agree, is precious stuff: it what sets us apart from earthworms and pocket calculators, and allows us to build cathedrals and argue with football referees. But what is this faculty that we’re so proud of? How the conscious mind works, where it’s located, and why it evolved all the fundamental questions are still entirely unresolved. Neuroscience has failed to discover any region or structure of the brain specialising in conscious thinking could it be because there isn’t one?

Professor Johnjoe McFadden, of Surrey University, has thrown his hat into the ring with a theory equating the conscious mind with the brain’s electromagnetic (em) field. The theory proposes a solution to one of the great puzzles of neuroscience: how conscious brain activity that we experience as thought and emotion differs from unconscious brain activity, and how the two interact. In McFadden’s model, our conscious thoughts are composed of fluctuations in a distributed em field a kind of low-wattage local radio network. The subconscious mind, controlling autonomous activity such as walking or balancing on a chair, is wired into neural pathways in the brain itself, which interact with the em field when a conscious decision is made.

McFadden, of Surrey’s School of Biomedical and Life Sciences, is confident that his theory can withstand the most rigorous interrogations of scientists and philosophers. He claims: “the theory solves many previously intractable problems of consciousness and could have profound implications for our concepts of mind, free will, spirituality, the design of artificial intelligence, and even life and death.”

The key to McFadden’s theory is the synchronous firing of neurones, which act to ‘switch on’ conscious thought in the brain’s em field when enough of them fire simultaneously. When we see an object, signals from our retina travel along nerves as waves of electrically charged ions. When they reach the nerve terminus the signal jumps to the next nerve via chemical neurotransmitters. The receiving nerve decides whether or not it will fire, based on the number of firing ‘votes’ it receives from its upstream nerves. Familiar patterns experiences or actions that the brain has learned are hard-wired into neural pathways, and produce correspondingly lower neuronal vote counts; only when an experience is unfamiliar or decision-making is required, do enough neurones fire to stimulate conscious activity in the em field.

McFadden uses the experience of driving along a familiar route as an example of how this interaction occurs. While driving home from work our conscious minds may be busy reviewing the events of the day; at the same time, we are watching traffic, changing gear and following the road, without being aware of these operations. Yet if we encounter a hazardous situation such as a child in the road we instantly become aware of the child, the road, the motor operations of driving, and thereafter slow down to drive more carefully under conscious control. The sudden rush of new information (the child) sparks synchronous firing of fresh neurones, stimulating the conscious mind to ‘take over’ at the wheel.

The em field theory also offers an explanation of the role of consciousness in the learning process. McFadden points to the example of a learner driver: the first (very conscious) fumblings are transformed through constant practice into automatic actions. The neural networks driving unlearnt activity are in an undecided state a small nudge from the brain’s em field can topple them towards or away from firing. As the conscious mind perfects the new activity, the em field ‘fine-tunes’ the neural pathways: the neurones are connected so that as they fire together, they wire together, to form stronger connections. After practice, the influence of the field becomes dispensable. The activity is learnt and may thereafter be performed unconsciously.

One of the fundamental questions of consciousness, known as the binding problem, can be explained by looking at a tree. Neurobiology has shown that the packets of visual information the individual leaves and branches are scattered amongst millions of widely separated neurones. Neuroscientists are seeking to explain where in the brain all those leaves are stuck together to form the conscious impression of a whole tree. How does our brain bind information to generate consciousness?

McFadden argues that every time a nerve fires, the electrical activity sends a signal to the em field. The information that reaches the em field is automatically bound together with all the other signals in the brain the characteristic binding process of consciousness. McFadden and, independently, the New Zealand-based neurobiologist Sue Pockett, argue that, rather than functioning simply as an information sink, the em field is consciousness: it selectively controls behaviour by pushing some neurones towards firing and others away from firing. This influence, McFadden proposes, is the physical manifestation of our conscious will.

The challenge for the scientific community is now to upset McFadden’s grandiose convictions by disproving the em field theory, known in neuroscience as the conscious electromagnetic information field (cemi field) theory. Pockett identifies a potential problem: that present measurements seem to show a variable relationship between the brain’s em field and sensation. Another key objection to an em field theory of consciousness is that if our minds are electromagnetic, why don’t we pass out when we walk under an electrical cable or any other source of external electromagnetic fields? The answer, according to McFadden, is that our skin, skull and cerebrospinal fluid shield us from external electric fields.

McFadden looks forward to the intense critical scrutiny that is bound to follow publication. He concludes: “The conscious electromagnetic information field is at present still a theory. But if true, there are many fascinating implications for the concept of free will, the nature of creativity or spirituality, consciousness in animals and even the significance of life and death. The theory explains why conscious actions feel so different from unconscious ones it is because they plug into the vast pool of information held in the brain’s em field.”


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Worlds Biggest Scientific Experiment - The Big Bang - on 9/10

Scientists look to the spin-offs of a miniature ‘big bang’

By Clive Cookson

Published: September 4 2008 18:27 | Last updated: September 4 2008 18:27

In their quest to understand the secrets of the universe, physicists are about to launch their biggest experiment. Next Wednesday, the first atoms will race round a 27km track beneath the Swiss-French border outside Geneva, at almost the speed of light.
It will be the first step towards the real moment of truth for the $8bn (£4.5bn, €5.6bn) Large Hadron Collider. In a few weeks, two beams of protons – hydrogen nuclei – will accelerate in opposite directions and smash together, creating in miniature the intense energies of the newborn universe just after the “big bang” some 14bn years ago.
Scientists at Cern, the European centre for particle physics, hope the LHC will reveal new forces and even extra dimensions of space and time. It may also enable researchers to produce and study miniature black holes.
Yet the LHC may eventually be a final flourish for Cern – and indeed for the whole of particle physics – after a glorious half-century in which increasingly powerful atom smashers enabled scientists to build up a coherent, though incomplete, understanding of the universe, based on studying the smallest building blocks of matter.
Some influential scientists are already suggesting that the world will not be able to fund another large-scale accelerator. “We need a re-evaluation,” says Sir David King, former UK chief scientist. “We have to ask: what is the end-point for particle physics? How big do we have to go?”
In an increasingly pragmatic world, governments have already been directing more money to applied science and technology, while cutting spending on fields aimed essentially at advancing knowledge for its own sake. The cancellation of the US Superconducting Super Collider in Texas 15 years ago left Cern the field’s undisputed global centre.
Lyn Evans, LHC project leader and a 38-year Cern veteran, says: “The only way we justify our existence is to build more and more powerful machines on a budget that is constant in real terms.”
Not surprisingly, Cern scientists often feel compelled to defend their spending in terms of its direct spin-offs, such as the high-speed computing grid that will handle the vast data flow from LHC. (Cern also loses no opportunity to remind people that the world wide web was invented there in 1989.) But “the real reason is to satisfy intellectual curiosity,” says Jos Engelen, Cern chief scientist.
Big spin-offs from the LHC, if any, will occur far in the future, in ways that we cannot predict or even comprehend today. “Who is to say that the strong nuclear force [being investigated by Cern] will not be propelling spaceships across the galaxy in 300 years?” asks David Evans, senior scientist at Alice, one of four giant underground detectors built to analyse the particles produced by LHC collisions.
Putting a comprehensible intellectual case for the LHC is extremely difficult if not impossible. Yet particle physicists have to make the effort. Government funding decisions today depend on public understanding and political support much more than they did after the second world war, when European governments set up Cern as a centre for peaceful research into atomic physics.
At the heart of the case is the “standard model” – a framework of fundamental particles and forces that provides a partial explanation for the way the universe works but does not cover gravity. It also fails to account for recent observations such as the mysterious “dark matter” that appears to dominate the universe.
First order of business for the LHC will be to fill in gaps in the standard model. The best known gap is what gives matter its mass. Favourite here is the fabled Higgs boson, a particle originally proposed in the 1960s, which – if it exists – should be accessible within the LHC’s energy range.
But physicists disagree about where the LHC is most likely to move the field next. Robert Aymar, Cern’s director-general, likes supersymmetry. According to this theory the LHC should be able to make and detect at least the “neutralino” – a massive yet elusive particle that is a leading candidate for filling the universe with dark matter.
His deputy Jos Engelen, on the other hand, is rather dismissive of this. He is a fan of string theory, according to which our four familiar dimensions of space and time conceal several extra dimensions, which might conceivably open up in the extreme conditions of LHC collisions. Under these circumstances, the particles associated with gravity might reveal themselves for the first time.
Slightly easier for the lay mind to understand is the prospect that the LHC will produce microscopic black holes – tiny concentrations of matter so dense that their gravity prevents light escaping. Then Stephen Hawking, the leading black hole theorist, could expect to win a Nobel prize.
However, black holes carry a fear factor that has provoked lawsuits in the US and Europe seeking to stop the LHC from opening. The project’s opponents argue that the collisions could generate black holes capable of swallowing up the whole earth.
Cern recognises that there is genuine concern but insists that the risk of catastrophe is zero. “If you look at the blogosphere, you will find a lot of people taking the threat seriously,” says John Ellis, Cern’s leading theoretician. “But there is no evidence for any conceivable threat from the LHC.”
While large black holes at the centre of galaxies can suck up whole stars, their microscopic counterparts would be unstable and disappear, Cern insists.
The best outcome would be for the LHC to spring a stupendous surprise that does not threaten the planet. But particle physicists would not want the project to answer all the big questions. From their point of view, the universe should be left with enough secrets to justify spending billions of dollars on the next giant experiment.
Source and Related Articles:- 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

North pole may be ice-free by 2013

North pole may be ice-free by 2013
11 Aug 2008, 0042 hrs IST,PTI

LONDON: The meltdown in the Arctic is speeding up and as a result the north pole could be ice-free by 2013 instead of in 60 years' time as earlier predicted, scientists have warned.

Their apprehensions are based on computer studies of satellite images that reveal that ice at north pole melted at an unprecedented rate last week - the disappearance is said to have exceeded the record loss of more than a million square kilometres in 2007 as global warming tightened its grip.

"It does not really matter whether 2007 or 2008 is the worst year on record for Arctic sea ice.

"The crucial point is that ice is clearly not building up enough over winter to restore cover and that when you combine current estimates of ice thickness with the extent of the ice cap, you get a very clear indication that the Arctic is going to be ice-free in summer in five years.

"And when that happens, there will be consequences," British newspaper
The Observer quoted Prof Wieslaw Maslowski of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey as saying.

Using the US navy supercomputers, his team produced a forecast which indicated that by 2013 there will be no ice in the Arctic - other than a few outcrops on islands near Greenland and Canada between mid-July and mid-September.

Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University added: "The most detailed computer models suggest the Arctic's summer ice is going to last for only a few more years - and given what we have seen happen last week, I think they are probably correct."

Source:- Only 5 years left for North Pole due to Global Warming

Monday, August 11, 2008

Laughing is Life

When asked "BELOVED OSHO ......... I Love ...but I also feel seriousness. WHY IS LAUGHTER SO DIFFICULT FOR ME?

Osho :

Laughter is one of the things most repressed by society all over the world, in all the ages.

Society wants you to be serious. Parents want their children to be serious, teachers want their students to be serious, the bosses want their servants to be serious, the commanders want their armies to be serious. Seriousness is required of everybody.

Laughter is dangerous and rebellious.

When the teacher is teaching you and you start laughing, it will be taken as an insult. Your parents are saying something to you and you start laughing -- it will be taken as an insult.

Seriousness is thought to be honor, respect.

Naturally laughter has been repressed so much that even though life all around is hilarious, nobody is laughing. If your laughter is freed from its chains, from its bondage, you will be surprised -- on each step there is something hilarious happening.

Life is not serious.

Only graveyards are serious, death is serious.

Life is love, life is laughter, life is dance, song.

But we will have to give life a new orientation. The past has crippled life very badly, it has made you almost laughter blind, just like there are people who are colorblind.

There are ten percent of people who are colorblind -- it is a big percentage, but they are not aware that they are colorblind.

George Bernard Shaw was colorblind, and he came to know it when he was sixty years old. On his birthday somebody sent a present, a beautiful suit, a coat, but the person forgot to send a tie. So Bernard Shaw went with his secretary to find a matching tie. He liked the suit very much. He looked at ties and he chose one, and the secretary was surprised; she could not believe it -- because the suit was yellow and the tie was green. She said, "What are you doing? This will look very strange."

He said, "Why will it look strange? It is the same color."

The manager, the salesman... they all gathered, and they tried in many ways to find out.... He could not distinguish between yellow and green; they both appeared the same to him. He was colorblind.

But for sixty years he was not aware of it.

And there are ten percent of people in the world who are colorblind. Some color they are missing, or maybe they are mixing it up with some other color.

The constant repression of laughter has made you laughter blind.

Situations are happening everywhere, but you cannot see that there is any reason to laugh. If your laughter is freed from its bondage, the whole world will be full of laughter. It needs to be full of laughter; it will change almost everything in human life.

You will not be as miserable as you are. In fact, you are not as miserable as you look -- it is misery plus seriousness that makes you look so miserable. Just misery plus laughter, and you will not look so miserable!

In one apartment house... And modern apartments have such thin walls that whether you want to or not, you have to hear what is going on on the other side of the wall. In a way, it is very human.

The whole apartment house was puzzled about one thing.... Every couple was fighting, throwing pillows, throwing things, breaking cups and saucers, shouting at each other, husbands beating wives, wives screaming -- and they don't need any loudspeaker systems or anything, and the whole apartment house enjoyed.

The only problem was with one sardarji. From his flat they never heard any fight; on the contrary, they always heard laughter. The whole crowd was puzzled: "What is the matter? These people never fight. There is always laughter -- and both are laughing so loudly that the whole building can hear it!"

One day they decided that it had to be looked into: "We are missing so much, and they are enjoying so much. What is their secret?"

So they caught hold of the sardarji as he was coming from the market, carrying vegetables and other things. They all caught hold of him and they said, "First you have to tell us that what the secret is -- why do you laugh when everybody fights?"

The sardar said, "Don't force me, because the secret is very embarrassing."

They said, "Embarrassing? But we thought you are doing great. We always hear laughter -- either you laugh or your wife laughs... no fight."

The sardar said, "What happens is, she throws things at me. If she misses, then I laugh; if she hits me then she laughs. The same things are going on, but it is just that we have made a different arrangement -- what is the point? So I have learned how to dodge her, and she is learning how to...."

After twenty years the same sardar wanted to divorce his wife. The magistrate had heard about them, that this was the only couple in the whole city who had never been known to fight. They simply laugh -- the whole city knows them as the laughing couple.

The magistrate said, "What has gone wrong? You are so famous."

The sardar said, "Forget all about that -- just give us permission to divorce."

But the magistrate said, "I have to know the reason."

He said, "The reason is very clear -- she hits me. And it is too much; I have been getting those hits for years."

The magistrate asked, "How long have you been married?"

He said, "Almost thirty years."

The magistrate said, "If you have been able to cope with the woman for thirty years, then just ten, twenty years more...."

He said, "That is not the point. At first I used to dodge, but now she has become such a good... there is no way that I can dodge! So only she laughs, I have not laughed for ten years. This is unbearable. In the beginning it was perfect; it was almost fifty-fifty, there was no problem. I was laughing, she was also laughing. But now a hundred percent of the time she laughs, and a hundred percent I am just standing there, looking like a fool. No, I cannot tolerate it any more.

So there is no harm... even just sitting in your room, close the doors and have one hour of simple laughter. Laugh at yourself.

But learn to laugh.

Seriousness is a sin, and it is a disease.

Laughter has tremendous beauty, a lightness. It will bring lightness to you, and it will give you wings to fly.

And life is so full of opportunities. You just need the sensitivity. And create chances for other people to laugh. Laughter should be one of the most valued, cherished qualities of human beings -- because only man can laugh, no animals are capable of it.

Because it is human, it must be of the highest order. To repress it is to destroy a human quality.

-Osho (for more visit or

What is WRONG with the EDUCATION SYSTEM???

This article is written and sent to IndiaVed by Vishal Rathee, an Electronic Engineer. Vishal enjoys his life bravely and as much as his many creative hobbies.
What is WRONG with the EDUCATION SYSTEM???

A country's government is meant for the same pupose and the constitution helps people to live in harmony and peacefully {Acc. to the normal vision that pumped the socialsts to make the system}.
But is the system working the way it must have been working? In a well working system or well driven country there is something for everyone, and no one suffers in the long term but is it so that the deserving
people are getting things in the way they should be getting? The criteria for selections :: In the higher studies like IIT JEE, CAT, MBBS, DCE and even the small level exams, the system is being used against itself and it is so helpless that it can not avoid it. We have the coaching centres that guide the students to the way they can
solve the questions, what will be the question paper like, what questions and puzzles will be asked in the interview, how you have to crush others possibility in the Group Discussions and similar things.
When everything can be taught then how can it be assured that the selection procedure is neat and lustified?
People work for money everywhere and this is hurting the society the most, a person wants to become a doctor because on opening the clinic he / she will be paid well and same is the reason for becoming teacher, policeman, engineer or scientist. The teachers in the school do not educate the students, they threat them to study with the line that IF YOU WILL NOT STUDY, THEN YOU WILL BECOME SOME MECHANIC OR YOU
WILL NOT GET A GOOD JOB. A GOOD JOB, is it all we work for? Is it the real purpose of education?
What is the solution? Well the solution is to change the basic components of the system, make equal places for all type of citizens,finish the dissimilarities and those who are sportsmen, singers, dancers, actors, writers, everyone must be able to earn bread for himself and a respected position in society for what he / she has
got. Things will be alright only when people will start thinking in the right way so we need better teachers, better selectors, better selection criteria and a better system for all so that the artist gets paid for its art, Education must be mandatory for all up to a level that can help them survive the crooks, and the artists and there art must get the nourishment. A system must work for all, specially for the poor people as they need it the most, they are the most dependable sorts and we can fix the problems in many ways. Those who dont work, let them live in ashrams or communes, make them work there and give them good food. This way they will start working and may earn food for them as well. Bring in more alternative ideas in a way that the system starts working.
Dont let the system die or get crippled, we need a way to live and that shud be flawless, make the desired changes according to the need of time and make the world a better place to live. Take care of the
corruption, stop it from growing and in step by step manner finish it. Think of the poor who come to school for the food in the mid day meal schemes and get death instead because the food was of very low
quality. It is just like killing your pet by poisioning its food, this is the worst case of killing someones trust.
Do something for people that drives out the need for money out & they can see the humanity and give the combined efforts to preserve humanity. We need it now or it will be too late, PREVENTION IS ALWAYS
BETTER THAN THE CURE. The basic purpose of Education was always to make a better human, a better social element who can take responsibility of the things around and can take care of the world that was meant for his good. Selfishness needs to be finished and the only way it is the EQUALITY FOR ALL CITIZENS. Someone will have to work in a different way, make more chances for the undeveloped or the underdeveloped people. Make them independent by implementation of various ways, let the politics work for the good, have better people
on the higher posts. HUMANITY.

~Vishal Rathee~ 

Monday, July 28, 2008

'Dhyan' Meditation, the way to Satchidananda - Truth, Conscioussness and Bliss

Starting from a small answer I update this article regularly to make it upto date in order to to write the most effective way of meditation. Hence keep reading.... Love - Dhyan
A psychological analysis of Who am I?, What is purpose of life? What is meditation and what is the need of meditation anyway? and What is Real Happiness?
and in the process knowing about meaning of these terms:-
Thoughtless Awareness, Breathing Awareness, Mindless Consciousness Meditation
first of all read this conversation between Buddha and his discipline Ananda...
Ananda said to Buddha, "I have observed you for years and years together. It seems like a miracle: you sleep as if you are awake. You are in the same posture the whole night." The hand would not move from the place where it had been put; the leg would remain in the same posture. Buddha would sleep in the same posture the whole night. Not a single movement! For nights together ananda would sit and watch and wonder, "What type of sleep is this!" Buddha would not move. He would be as if a dead body, and he would wake up in the same posture in which he went to sleep. Ananda asked, "What are you doing? Were you asleep or not? You never move!" Buddha said, "A day will come, Ananda, when you will know. This shows that you are not practising anapanasati yoga rightly; it shows only this. Otherwise this question would not have arisen. You are not practising anapanasati yoga -- if you are continuously aware of your breath in the day, it is impossible not to be conscious of it in the night. And if the mind is concerned with awareness, dreams cannot penetrate. And if there are no dreams, mind is clear, transparent. Your body is asleep, but you are not. Your body is relaxing, you are aware -- the flame is there inside. So, Ananda," Buddha is reported to have said, "I am not asleep -- only the body is sleep. I am aware! and not only in sleep. Ananda -- when I die, you will see: I will be aware, only the body will die."
Now Continue......and Read this article for Knowledge and Awareness. Read like an interesting story and get a feeling of what you have read. Dont try to remember anything out of it...or think so much..... Just Read and Feel.

Question:- ...could you please let us know how to exactly do meditation? I alwsys try to do meditaion on regular basis but I am not sure how to exactly do because on internet some people say do it that way, some say do it other way. I have tried couple of ways and I dont feel sleepy at all during my working hours but before, I used to feel sleepy in office even this article has mentioned this benefit of meditaion. Still dude let us what do you feel about the correct way of meditaion?
Ans: Basant a one line answer can also be given for your question about best form of meditation which is “Mindless Consciousness” or “Thoughtless Awareness” or "Pranayam". But we should not accept anything until we do "Darshan" i,e Witnessing ourself. Hence Experiencing and witnessing is more important then accepting any meditation as a right or wrong.

"विचारो के परवाह में बहना भर नही ! बस जागे रहना ! जानना स्वयं को प्रथक और अन्य ! दूर और मात्र द्रष्टा ! जेसे राह पर चलते लोगो की भीड़ देखते हैं , ऐसे ही विचारो की भीड़ कोदेखना ! जसे पतझड़ में सूखे पतों को चारो और उड़ते देखते हैं, वैसे ही विचारो के पतों को उड्तेदेखना ! उनके करता बनना , उनके भोक्ता ! फ़िर शेष सब अपने आप हो जाएगा ! उस शेष को ही मैं ध्यान (meditation) कहता हूँ !" - Osho
If you dont have this Hindi font, then read Dhyan meaning at this image: Dhyan Meaning

Its simple English translation is:
Not flowing uncontrolled in the flow of thoughts. Remain Awake ! Know your being as separate and something else ! from far like Watchman ! Like we watch the crowd of people walking on the road, likewise Watch the crowd of Thoughts ! Like we watch the dried leaves flying all around in autumn, likewise Watch the leaves of Thoughts flying around ! Do not become their doer or their follower ! Then the remaining will Happen itself ! That what Remains is what I calls Dhyan (Meditation) ! - Osho
Thoughtless Awareness: This state of mind to watch thoughts with awareness till they disappears is called Thoughtless Awareness. and this दर्शन or Experience is what we call ध्यान, meditation.
This is very important to note that Dhyan or Meditation is not Concentrating on something. It is actually the opposite. i.e. Not Thinking of Anything.
Concentration will put actually more stress on mind which you want to relax.
Recently a doctor who wants to learn meditation asked me, "I know how to do meditation..but just tell me what to think of in meditation...what to concentrate in meditation?"
What she was understanding of meditation is actually a misconception generally in many people and also even in English dictionary it is written that "meditation is to concentrate on something.....". Actually there is no appropriate word in English for Dhyan as its origin is from ancient India only when it was called Dhyan in Sanskrit. Bhuddhists called it Jhan in their Pali Language about 2500 yrs ago. Bhuddhist took it to Tibet, China where it become Chan and in Korea it become Seon and in Japan, Zen. But the meaning of Dhyan remained the same in whole east.
Hence the meaning of Dhyan and Meditation should be understood first that it is not concentrating on something. It is actually letting
the mind free till it become empty itself.
Now in order to reach in this state of meditation i,e Thoughtless Awareness, mind and the self goes through some transformation and cleaning. These are the psychological changes take place in ones mind and beyond when he is starting doing meditation or Dhyan.

These simple psychological experience during meditation, in step by step, are:-
  1. Awakening
  2. De-conditioning
  3. Awareness
  4. Only Consciousness
  5. Self Realization of Truths
  6. Enlightenment
Sat-Chit-Ananda: Unconsciously the main purpose of anyones life after getting birth is Sat-Chit-Ananda i.e Truth-Consciousness-Bliss and the above 6 steps helps in getting that Ultimate Joy of Life. Sat is the Truth a meditator starts searching out of curiosity and awakening. Chit or Consciousness is the Truth what he found after meditation and Ananda or Bliss is what he experience at that moment. If naturally this realization happens to us then this is the best meditation otherwise just by reading this and other articles you already know about the meditation. What is more important is to know reasons and philosophy behind meditation and then you will realize yourself which is the best way of meditation specifically for you or anyone else. Even you can create a new technique for us. There are so many ways for meditation and it depends on the person's present state of mind that which is the best right now. Some person cannot do meditation at all and they need other person help to first go in hypnosis, for some even listening to music is a meditation and for some even their work has become a meditation and they dont need anything else.
Hence the best meditation is "Remain what you are"..just Live in the present moment..Live without any Fear, Guilt or Greed...Just Live... Smile...Laugh...Celebrate each moment.......You dont need to change yourself, You dont need to do anything new. And as you know the best meditation now, hence Stop reading this article further now and get back to your work.
But if you dont know who you are and want to know and understand better the process behind then first you have to understand the basic psychology of human being because most of the thing he does in his life are governed by unconscious mind like pumping of heart, contractions of muscles, breathing, reaction after touching fire etc. The vast amount of data stored at each moment in Unconscious mind plays a major role in deciding our false personality i,e "Who I am?"
  1. Need of Meditation : First of all the question itself is what is the need of meditation? And leave meditation what is the main reason behind our doing all other things in life. Happiness is only reason behind us doing any activity.
  2. Purpose of Life: The activity can be either higher education, working in big company, earning wealth, looking for bigger position and opportunity always, going to theater, playing sport or even listening to music, talking to girl or boy or even doing sex. The only answer is either we want to know something out of curiosity or we want Happiness and Joy. But then again after fulfilling our curiosity and gaining knowledge we feel Happiness. And no doubt that should be the purpose of life too. Some people can say they dont want only their happiness but are doing social service to make others happy. But then it is again a mechanism of brain that after doing this particular activity i.e social service they will feel Happiness.
    1. In real there is no Purpose of Life. It is just happens due to existence and if the direction of this energy flow is not stopped or diverted then it will pass through all different aspects of life energy forms and then ultimately merge into the infinite energy of existence. But this doesnt happen.
  3. Biggest Happiness: Now the question arises which is the biggest Happiness? Whether it is one of the above listed like food, education, money, power, sex? We go on looking for more... more money..more power..No doubt they also gives some happiness but this happiness is not the looks highest until ones awareness is inside the mind i.e Maya. You are under control of your thoughts and mind. Awake yourself and Become Aware so much that you can even watch and observe your mind and the thoughts coming. Then you are out of the Maya and the real journey of Happiness Begins actually now and which is real and is truth. Truth means which are universal. We can change our thoughts, our perception, our statement but Truth remains the same. When Kopernicus and Kaplor first time found the truth that Earth revolves around the Sun, Church didnt accepted it as it was against the Bible. But that couldnt change the Truth. Galileo used the Telescope to prove this Truth only to anger the Church. But Truth remains the Truth even if you dont know it.
  4. Truth Realization as Real Happiness: Yes we can know the Truth and feel the real Happiness if we utilize the full potential of our brain and beyond. We came to know the Truth after becoming aware and witnessing the infinite within as infinite outside. There is a whole lot of bigger infinite universe inside your brain. But this infinite is nothing, it is kind of vacuum with huge energy within, it is the Brahman space-time, the creator of the universe, the infinite energy where time stops. As soon as mind stops and you are aware of it, time also stops. Brahman is the fully aware emptiness with huge amount of energy within. Then we realize that The ultimate happiness is Anand, the Bliss, the Ecstasy which we feel now after our Consciousness merges with the plane of Brahman, its originator in the state of thoughtlessness and timelessness. You realize the Truth that Now you are not the Body, you are not the Mind, You are even not the Intuition, You are only the Consciousness which is at the energy center at navel. The connection of inner Consciousness with outer infinite Consciousness happens at the navel which is the connecting energy center between mother and the new creature inside the womb at the time of pregnancy. But unawake people remains unaware of most of the truths. Hence their perception of Happiness remains within their Maya or illusion of mind.
  5. No Mind Happiness: But why we actually search for Happiness in first place? If you just traverse at the whole life of a person the Happiest and the most Joyful moment for any living being is when it is in the Womb of the mother. This is the time when there is only joy and no worry. It floats in the water in which it has spent most part of its evolutionary life in ocean. Readymade food and oxygen supply. But the main reason for its happiness is that the brain doesn’t start to work until few months before its time of birth. Hence at this time there is NO MIND hence NO THOUGHTS, Hence the Highest level of HAPPINESS. This is the only time when there is only Consciousness as nothing to think about. This is the time when we are most close to the Godly energy i.e the infinite Universe within. The baby is connected to the mother’s body from its navel. Hence the first energy center which develops in the body is at naval and not the brain and throughout life navel remains the energy center of body. Even in terms of scientific calculation navel is the Center of Gravity of any body. See the navel at the center of circle in the Leonardo Da Vinci's Spread Eagle Painting at this link
    1. The important thing to note here is that inside the womb even without working of the brain, the body, heart, lungs and other organs of the baby are working. After 5-6 months in womb the brain starts working. And when child took birth it continue working and storing data which is mostly forced to him or her. And then for full time till the death the Mind doesn't stop working.
    2. Navel Dhyan: Navel is source of our energy, breathing, the Pran, the Jhana (just put your finger in naval and inhale and exhale fast you will know not lungs but navel is the source of breathing or Prana). Jhana or Dhyan or Zen is the same and when we say do 'Dhyan', it means taking your Awareness to the Navel center after stopping your mind. Actually there is no appropriate word in English for Dhyan. As explained earlier Meditation is used for Dhyan which is same. Hence Dhyan or meditation here means to stop mind and take awareness at the emptiness at navel, the source of Prana, the breathing, it is called consciousness, the Atman. Being Aware of Inhaling and Exhaling breathing is also called the 'Pranayam' as given in ancient Yoga books and now taught by Swami Ramdev and called as 'Anapanasati Yoga' in Bhudhism.
  6. Unconscious Search for Womb: Hence after taking birth for the full life unconsciously the child within us always wants to go to mothers womb or in a similar kind of experience for the ultimate happiness. And all its action throughout our life are unconsciously governed by this factor of Search for that Maximum Happiness. But he never gets the maximum as its mind is no more the same as it was inside the womb. He is always searching for comfort like in womb. He wants to automate everything like food, travel, home, AC like comfort in womb to make womb like environment.
  7. FEAR: After taking birth The first data which is fed to the child's mind which takes him away from his Natural Happiness and True Being is the FEAR. Unconsciously the whole life he is under some FEAR...though from outside he may look very calm. It was always warned that dont do this...if you eat this the Devil will come, if you will touch this...the Doggie will bite you and then in school if you will play you will be beaten..if you will learn music or some other creative work you will be the poorest in life..what will your parents think if they will know about your sin that you masturbate and watch porn?...what will your parents and society think if they know you have girl or boy friend?..and you did the biggest sin, sex too?..then after graduation if you will not do normal job and if you want to do research or phd....or you want to become something else which most of your others friend didnt become you wont have money and No girl will marry you...and if you will not go to mosque or church or temple God will punish you....or some fool people send the sms that if you will not forward this sai baba message to 12 people something bad will happen to you..and ...when young if you will marry the person of other caste of religion ...we will kill you or the society will..and in marriage if you will leave your dominating husband who drinks and beats you...what will the society say? who will accept you?.. ....and so on and so forth. And finally the biggest fear....the FEAR of DEATH.
    1. The Truth is in Real all these Fears and conditions imposed on after Birth are superfluous and unnecessary and they do more harm then anything good.
  8. GUILT:- But in whatever best possible way you try to follow these society superstitions, castes, religions and RULES, unconsciously you always have other desires, your creativity needs some freedom. But you keep on suppressing them thinking what my parents will say, what the society will say and this control and suppressions becomes a feeling of GUILT and it takes away most of the processing power of your neural network and mind. Your creativity is buried under this GUILT feeling. Recently I went to a marriage party with some of my Foreign friends which have come to see indian wedding. These girls with no fear and no guilt were the first to start dancing. And soon many other indian girls and elder woman joined them who were hesitating after breaking their fear. I was observing the faces of many other indian girls who didnt danced clearly showing the FEAR and GUILT at their face. Clearly they wanted to dance from inside but their mind didnt allow them to come out of this FEAR and GUILT. There was not even a sign of smile on their face. They have lost even their smile and happiness in this FEAR. From outside they looked normal but from inside they were dead.
    1. RAPE AND SOCIETY: If a girl is raped no doubt that is a crime and the maximum punishment should be given to the rapist but from girls point of view it is still a sexual act on body. But the society has created such a bad image about sex, virginity, sex before marriage, love marriage, inter caste marriage and the kind of eyes by which people even from her own family look at her makes her mind a SUFFOCATED JAIL with no light, no fresh air inside. It creates a high level of FEAR and GUILT inside her mind and she is DEAD now. Actually not dead but KILLED by the Society and its SUPERSTITIONS. Otherwise just look at some other angle. She takes some necessary medicines and testing. Her mind says whatever happened has happened and her body, mind and soul are still with her. She can forget the past and it is like nothing has happened. The society and even family and relatives dont look at her with some pity and help. She is alright, CHEERFUL, DANCER, SINGER and Happy as she was earlier and she can do all the work and she can go anywhere as she was going earlier. Understand this the so called people who come and talk to help her from family and society do much more harm to her then any other thing by making feel her mind FEAR, GUILT and IMPURE. Remove these thoughts and it is Ms. Pretty and Ms. CHEERFUL as always.
  9. CONDITIONING: This State of living with FEAR and GUILT is called CONDITIONED MIND. Now you have forgotten completely your true self. Whats your personality now is and what other people thinks about you is what picture of you your mind portraits and falsely created by its thoughts and actions. And your mind is not real. It is just a bundle of thoughts and conditions imposed on them by society.
    1. Roles of School in Conditioning the Mind: Most of the content of school are most to memorize the facts then to understand, analyze the concepts and proving and further working on them using reasoning and creativity. And it is very unfortunate that mostly the criteria for intelligence of any child is linked to the marks he scores. Even if he scores 90% he is told it is not enough. But the creative part of his work is often ignored and not considered as a factor for his intelligence and position. Hence it is often seen that generally the highly creative children which want to do something in painting, music, astronomy, scientific experiments and toys, sports, if scores less in class are often condemned and beaten by the parents and the teachers. This is the worst thing which can happen to the mind of a child to make it highly conditioned and to suppress his creative energy.
    2. De-conditioning is the only to get rid of Conditioned Mind and know your true being. De-conditioning means removing the glass filter of Mind to look at things and everything happening around us in this society, the world and the universe its entirety, beauty and reality. Then you will be able to see the TRUTHS and FALSE RULES. Then you will see how beautiful this whole natural existence is.
    3. Generally De-conditioning doest happen to Unawake people and the people who are always unconscious, fighting with others for small and insignificant things like ego, greed, anger, money, caste, religion etc.
      1. Thats why Meditation is the easiest and natural way to become Awake and Awake and get rid of Unwanted Conditioning of our Mind and to remove almost all problems of worlds like Violence, Hatred, Wars, Women and Child Abuses etc. And also if all people can understand each other then even solutions to problems like pollution and global warming etc can be found and implemented easily.
  10. UNNATURAL DEATH: These people whose mind is so much conditioned and they have truly forgotten their true self dont die naturally. Most doctors and people will say it was natural death. They die unconsciously when their mind refuses to carry these unnecessary conditions further. Their awareness remained buried under unconscious mind. They didnt get Happiness throughout their life which can be satisfy their mind. This is something similar to like in Matrix when the brains or Neo and others were connected to the Matrix then it is all the mind game. If they die in mind, their body also dies. Understand that this whole body is so much controlled and affected by mind that 80% of diseases are created by mind only. I am not talking of psychological problems but even problems like heart attach, diabetes, liver or kidney failure, loose of eye sight and hearing, weakness in body at old age etc. Unconsciously the start of failure of brain leads to many hormonal imbalances, creation of those hormones and antibodies are actually controlled by brain and imbalances of these creates all forms of diseases.
    1. Hence Dieing with Unconscious Mind, Conditioned Mind, with Unawareness cannot be a Natural Death.
    2. An Awakened and Aware person who is in a state of meditation, also increases his brain power and also it has been found that how meditation is even effective in curing AIDS and meditation also improves the immune system. In these 2 recent articles it is proved using scientific research and data.
    3. Rather if one of Awakened and Aware and he sees death as Leaving the Body, can even master the Death and its timing and as Buddha said in the start of this post "If I am aware, my Body will die, I am not". This is the only Natural Death which is under awareness.

False Personality: Hence now you must have understood how since the time baby is in the Womb, when its Born, when the child mind start conditioning by parents, society, and then ultimately he has lost his identity completely in some kind of many of his actions which he did because of fear and he didnt want to do in real like forced marriage etc which he has to undergo and this conditioned mind is the only reason of his Unnatural Death and he never knew what Happiness is and What Orgasmic Happiness and Ecstasy is. Hence now you have to decide whether you want to know your true self or not? Read some more to understand how to Witness Your True Being Yourself including some psychology behind it.
  1. AWAKENING : You are already Awakened if you are reading this article and wants to know your true self or the Truth. When you become curious to know something, the reasons behind everything, and always search for truths among the random data, and You Starts asking genuine Questions, that means you are Awakening. Awakening is needed to breaks the unnecessary conditions in our conditioned mind.
    1. If you want to know about your true self...your true being...DECONDITION your mind by awakening and asking questions. This process will free your mind which leads to awareness. Deconditioning doest mean that you will forget anything rather your intution and creativity will become so strong that you can take any decision and action much quickly and those will be the best decisions in any particular moment. If you want to decondition yourself do you are reading this...just at once think that your mind is a bundle of thoughts, wrong rules and superstitions and Break them atonce. Free yourself from all these rules which you have learned since childhood either at home, school, society of religious gurus. Now what is left is only pure Creativity. Deconditioning means removing the glass filter of Mind to look and speak at things and then Looking at everything in this world in its entirety, beauty and reality. Then you will see how beautiful this whole natural existence is.
    2. In reality Each child is unique in itself. It has so much tremendous creative energy that if his mind is not fed up with FEAR and unwanted superstitions of the family and society, he can do any work and it will be thorough work and with Best Quality which is good for him also and the development of the society also.
    3. Deconditioning doesnt implies that as he will not follow any rule and he can do some crime. Actually when he is under Full Awareness and Deconditioning he cannot do any harm to anyone as he can see the Truth within and outside. Rather now he will even leave his wrong intentions even if he carried them earlier even before Deconditioning. Now he can clearly identify the Truths, the Karma and the Dharma.
  3. Awareness:
    1. Full Awareness can only Happen after DE-CONDITIONING
    2. In an earlier article (From Unconsciousness to Consciousness) It is explained that we use only 10% of our mind which is conscious and 90% of our mind which is unconscious remain hidden as that 90% of the brain power is consumed in Taking Care of these FEARS which are stored permanently inside our unconscious mind.
    3. Only Awareness is the process by which we can convert our unconscious mind into conscious mind and that state is what we call Thoughtless Awareness or Mindless Consciousness.
  4. Breathing Technique, Pranayam, Anapanasati Yoga
    1. This is the best technique to become Aware. To become aware one has to come out of the Maya of Mind. Mind should become thoughtless and you still should be aware of it, rather watching it. But initially it is not easy to become thoughtless hence one can start by Witnessing Breathing.
    2. Become Aware of your breathing while you Inhale and Exhale. This is the best way to become thoughtless because as soon as you become aware of your Breathing your thoughts disappear.
    3. You can become aware of only one thing at a time Either Breathing i.e Prana or the Thoughts.
    4. Anulom-Vilom and Kapal-Bhati Pranayam promoted widely by Ramdev are also very effective in becoming aware of Breathing and becoming thoughtless.
  5. Thoughtless Awareness or Mindless Consciousness
    1. The person is in Full Awareness and there are no thoughts. This is the state of No Mind and pure consciousness.
    2. Our mind is 24 hours in thinking. Even when you sleep your conscious mind stop working but your unconscious mind is still working and thats why dreams come while in sleep. Thoughtless Awareness means thoughts from both conscious as well as unconscious mind disappears and it becomes a one full and single Consciousness.
    3. Emotions are the byproduct of Conditioned Mind. If the person has deconditioned his mind and become aware he has overcome all his emotions. Now the Default state of being is Extreme Happiness and Love.
  6. Absolute Consciousness, Max. Happiness, Bliss and Benefit in Real Life:
    1. Prolong Orgasmic Happiness: If you want to understand the extent of Happiness at this state of full Consciousness, sex is the best example. Actually sex is the momentarily meditation which people do in order to get that happiness and relief which unconsciously everyone is looking for after birth. Orgasmic Happiness at this Aware Consciousness is similar to the momentary happiness and extreme relief a person feels at the climax of sex i.e Orgasm. The similarity between these two different kind of Orgasmic Happiness is that in both cases the Mind Stops, the Thoughts Stops for some time and hence the Biggest Happiness. The difference between sexual orgasm and Happiness in Pure Consciousness is :-
      1. In sexual orgasm the direction of energy flow is outwards and one has to loose energy out of the body to feel relaxed while in meditation orgasm the direction of energy is inward and the infinite energy and Consciousness inside merges with the infinite Consciousness outside.
      2. and the sexual orgasm pleasure last only for few seconds while the Happiness, Bliss, the Ecstasy at this stage of Meditation lasts for many hours, days or can remain forever. It is like whole life you were thinking that your town (sex) is the biggest place you imagined by your conditioned mind while at this meditation stage (Bliss) you are getting an infinite wide Universe Space to traverse.
      3. Hence the Orgasmic Happiness during Meditation is far better then that in Sex. Thats why after witnessing that experience of Absolute Consciousness we become free of sex. Now no need to suppress your sexual desires. One can do sex if it is needed for procreation but for Orgasmic Happiness he has much better option now.
      4. Those people who force them to become celibate without actual understanding whole of the above process of how to reach at "Sex Free" state are actually the wandering Dynamite. You listen to any religious guru and they will say "Control your desires.. control your sexual desires", "Sanyam Karo". They are creating wandering Sex Bombs. Because when they control their sexual desires it gets buried deep into their unconscious mind though from outside they will look Mahatma or Saint but they have to be always alert of it and if they are alert it means actually unconsiously they are always thinking of it. Thats why they always avoid woman because they know it can explode any time.
      5. Hence the best thing is to go into Dhyan by understanding the above psychology and let your sexual thoughts come and then disappear themselves. It is like you are watching a road where people are coming and going. Let these thoughts also pass by. They are just like any other thoughts. Dont control or suppress them.
    2. Full of Bliss and Laughing: When you will reach in Absolute Consciousness First time you will witness such kind of Bliss inside. From now onwards you will always laugh and will remain unaffected to anything. Laughing is the best way to live life. Now you are so full of love and happiness that it will start pouring outside and hence you can give and spread love and happiness to others.
      1. Silence is a Truth: laughing is a life and silence is a truth for a person in Dhyan
      2. Max. Brain Utilization: Just imagine if you do this 'Dhyan' and we are able to use say 40, 50 or 80 % of your brain you will be the next Albert Einstein or anytop researcher or successful person in any field you want to work.
      3. Natural Concentration: And now with Deconditioned mind and Full Awareness whatever work you will do it will become meditation. As you are not thinking anything else hence it will be a natural concentration on anything you are working on and not the forced concentration.
  7. Whatever you do is meditation: Now Everything is a meditation be it Dancing, Singing, Music Listening, Painting, Gardening, Studying, Traveling, Farming, Programming, Cleaning, Cooking, Washing, Playing, Driving, Bathing, Laughing, Loving and Even Sex is Meditation and it will last hours and one can fully utilize Kaamsutra with full awareness.

Now if you have understood the reasons behind the need and the psychology behind doing anything in life and also the meditation you can choose any creative activity for yourself which you enjoy the most. Normally a person can understand the simple reasons given above and can start the meditation or Dhyan. But some people are in so much deep sleep with their highly conditioned mind which do not even allow them to sit, read, talk and understand comfortably, means they are drunk and unconscious under emotions and fears. Hence for them some other psychological method is required so that they can come out of their unconsciousness and deep sleep.

  1. Dynamic Meditation for people who cannot sit in Dhyan: Osho has given this very good technique of meditation for the people who are under lots of stress and are not ready to do Dhyan Meditation as they cannot Awake, Decondition and Aware by themselves. Dynamic meditation is also the Sanjivini or life Saving for the people who are under Severe Depression and on the verge of suicide. Osho has given these 5 steps in this dynamic meditation which involves rigorous physical activity to take more oxygen inside to clean the blood, give more oxygenated blood to brain and also it awakens the Kundilini Energy. There should be a fast rock kind of music running while doing this. Each step is for 10-15 minutes.
    1. Fast Breathing - Fast inhaling and exhaling
    2. Gibrish - Shout and Cry as much as you can. Express your full anger...Abuse to those people who has done highly wrong and injustice to you.....take a knife and mentally kill them....cut into pieces....make any kind of sounds... Then Weep..Cry...and Laugh..Laugh as much loud as you can...Move your body parts randomly..release all your anguish, anger and energy from your unconscious mind
    3. Jump with the music while making sound of Ho-Ho continuously...
    4. Keep Standing silent for 15 minutes with no music now
    5. Dance like anything on the music....Dance like you become the dance. There remains nothing else but dancing.

Watch these videos to Learn and Get Free Yourself:-

This Dynamic meditation will help prepare the person to get enough awakening, energy , deconditioning and awareness to go deep into meditation. For more learning, visit at OSHO center at pune or OshoDham in Delhi.

Hypnosis and Reiki If a person is on the verge of unnatural death due to conditioned mind which has created so much stress then a spiritual guru who is expert can save his life by using Hypnosis and Reiki or other way to pass spiritual energy into him.

10 Easy Steps for Meditation:-
Now as you have understood all aspects of meditation in brief you can follow these simple 10 Steps for meditation to relax your body and mind, to excel in your work and to get extreme Joy in life:-
  1. Awakening
    1. Acceptance of Truth and the Accepting Death as ultimate Truth. Starts Questioning the untruths and reasons behind everything.
  2. De-conditioning
    1. Removing Fear and unwanted rules and superstitions
  3. Awareness with Thoughts
    1. Can watch your thoughts like on a screen, coming and disappear until all disappears
  4. Awareness without Thoughts
    1. Become aware of your breathing, the Prana, the Oxygen that will help in disappearing the thoughts. Till you are aware of Breathing, thoughts cannot come.
    2. There are no thoughts, Mind is Empty and you are Watching it with full Awareness
  5. Unconscious becomes Conscious
    1. The 90% unconscious mind merges with 10 % conscious mind and becomes full Conscious
    2. Aware about your Breathing as it inhales and exhales, Follow it
  6. Full Creativity and Intuition
    1. With such a huge network of neurons which were in unconscious territory are all accessible by conscious mind with huge bandwidth of communication. It is pure creativity at work.
    2. Aware about Inhaling-Exhaling Breathing and reach the source
    3. Highest Happiness
    4. Cannot Stop Laughing.
    5. Great Sense of Humor. Humor is the byproduct of Creativity.
  7. Absolute Consciousness
    1. After breathing now become aware of Breathing source, the Prana energy center.
    2. Now the awareness reaches the navel energy center. Its pure Consciousness with Awareness.
    3. Self-Realization of Truths starts happenings. Einstein and other scientist and inventor found about untold truth at this state.
    4. Always smiling.
  8. Inner Consciousness Merges with the Plane of Outer Consciousness (Atman meets Pramatman, the Brahman, the creative energy of universe)
    1. Some people call this state as Witnessing God like Shiva-Shakti which is one when merged. Actually Shiva and Shakti complements each other when merged becomes the Brahman, the infinite energy of universe which is everywhere. When there is nothing there is Brahman, the Unified Field, the Super-String Field. Is the merging of particle-antiparticle, electron-positron fields to create only one energy wave, related to this?
    2. One is All and All is One. Non-dualism principle.
    3. This is the Ultimate Truth, witnessing the Godliness, the creative energy.
    4. Now you are part of the Global Consciousness surrounding the earth. Now you can communicate with other people on this plane with the speed of light. As this plane is infinite hence your consciousness can create a ripple in this 'Brahman' space-time towards your friend which can travel at the speed of light. How Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics mystery 'Entanglement' are related to this concept? (Some food for thoughts here Are we connected by Entanglement?)
    5. Love and Spiritual Energy starts pouring outside of the Body.
  9. Anand, Bliss and Ecstasy
    1. Enlightened
    2. Becomes like a child. God energy is always more near to children.
    3. Extreme Bliss like in a womb
    4. One of my relative has met Dalai Lama once and spent some time with him. He told me that Dalai Lama is just like a child, so innocent and always smiling. His face, voice and even his presence gives some kinds of spiritual energy. He is in this state.
  10. Life is Celebration
  1. No fear, No Guilt, No Greed, No Anger, No Stress. Only Joy.
  2. Now one can do any work or job which he was doing earlier or wants to do now as a normal human being. You can create music, songs, scripts, paintings, movies, mantras, medicines, theories, new dishes, new laws and truths, ideas, company, procreation of extraordinary child using sex, machines, robots, and also logically at the highest level of creativity one can create living and non living beings. Taking this concept further with your infinite power of consciousness you can even create Big Bang and the Universe. As such there is no God but now logically God as a Superintelligent, SuperCreative, SuperEnlightened Being in the state of Breathlessness and Timelessness cannot be ruled out completely. (Related Videos: Power of Brain and Universe and Is Quantum Physics and Consciousness connected?)
  3. With this immense Bliss, he will always be in in Awareness, Balance, Happiness and Smiling all the time even at his death.
Hence completed the natural process of 'Dhyan' or 'Meditation' as the way to know our true being which is:
"You are not the Body, You are not the Mind, You are even not the Intuition,
You are only the Consciousness"
and witnessing the natural flow of our life by process of:
"Sat-chid-ananda - Truth - Consciousness - Bliss"
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