IndiaVed Awareness Blog : Truth-Consciousness-Bliss

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is God Dead?

This picture is taken during Sudan Famine and is quite widespread over emails and probably you must also have seen it before. If you believe in God then Just think a little but more deeply and tell me what the more urgent work God was doing in heaven when this child was dying... Everyone says children are the reflection of God .... So how can a God keep looking at this small, innocent child dieing and that due to hunger....and then eaten by vulture may be even before died fully...

If god can create this world, the earth, the sun and the universe and all the living beings.. why cant he create enough food for all of them.... If God is Perfect why did he create an imperfect world with so many sufferings?

Where is God anyway?
Is God Dead now?
or he was never in God a Fiction of the religious businessman and thieves who uses its name to run their shop be it Church, Mosque or Temples?
or God is a Director of the movie 'The World' like the Matrix in which we all are playing our it good or bad..and everyones fate is already Oracle knew everything?

No doubt many God like Enlightened people have been seen on the earth which came to help the needy and gave them a message to live happily and peacefully like Krishna, Buddha, Osho (exactly at the interval of 2500 years). That was real and still such people are with us which guide us. But is God the 'ONE' who is always looking at you from somewhere in the sky and who knows everything beforehand? or is the philosophy and the message which he gave is more important if we want to live our life more happily and peacefully? 

Is this the same fictious God for which muslims are killing innocent people all over the world? When will they realize the Truth that the Existence and the Creativity itself is God. There is no need to fight for it. It is evolving itself. 

The message given by many enlightened soul in East is very clear about God. It is the Sat-Chit-Anand i.e Truth-Consciousness-Bliss. Everyone has it in their inside. One has to know its source by Meditation and Awareness. Meeting God is the Realization of the Truth that You are not the Body, You are not the Mind, You are only the Consciousness which is beyond body and mind.

By looking at the above picture if you still think that God is alive somewhere listens to your prayers then request him that he helps those who needs it the most especially the poor and the children. Probably you can forward this Picture to your god if he says that "I am always with dont worry". It is said that God help those who help themselves...ask him why he cant help those who cannot help the child above !

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